Very Rare Currency

(2298) Very rare (UNPUBLISHED according to CGB) Sestertius of Trajan (Weight 26.97 gr)

(2298) Very rare (UNPUBLISHED according to CGB) Sestertius of Trajan (Weight 26.97 gr)
(2298) Very rare (UNPUBLISHED according to CGB) Sestertius of Trajan (Weight 26.97 gr)

(2298) Very rare (UNPUBLISHED according to CGB) Sestertius of Trajan (Weight 26.97 gr)   (2298) Very rare (UNPUBLISHED according to CGB) Sestertius of Trajan (Weight 26.97 gr)

IMP CAES NERVAE TRAIANO AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS V P P. Very very rare, see UNPUBLISHED "according to CGB," thus the 2nd known example.

(2298) Very rare (UNPUBLISHED according to CGB) Sestertius of Trajan (Weight 26.97 gr)   (2298) Very rare (UNPUBLISHED according to CGB) Sestertius of Trajan (Weight 26.97 gr)